Senior “skip day” Wednesday

Before heading out to Six Flags on Wednesday, seniors met in the cafeteria before boarding school buses.
June 1, 2016
There’s a lack of seniors on campus Wednesday, as it is “senior skip day”, but it’s more organized than a free for all. For the past eight years, it’s been a day where seniors get the opportunity to go to Six Flags during the school day.
“As long as I’ve been here, PTSA has helped to put together the senior trip to Six Flags,” assistant principal Kristen Sommers said. “It’s a good way for the seniors to go spend the day, not at school, and have their absence excused.”
With just two more days in the school year, the class of 2016 had several choices on what they did.
“If a senior doesn’t want to go to Six Flags, they have a couple of choices,” Sommers said. “They can be present here at school, or they can be absent. If they are absent, and they don’t have a note to excuse their absence, then their absence will be counted as unexcused.”