Current 8th graders have the chance to meet school staff, counselors, coaches, and directors at Wednesday’s Rising Freshman Night on campus from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Head volleyball coach Eighmy Dobbins sees this as an opportunity to meet future players.
“We just like to get to know our girls and some of their parents before they come into the high school,” Dobbins said. “We’ve met some of them at camps, but it’s nice to see some new faces that are interested in volleyball.”
With 8th graders having a final chance to make their course selections on Feb. 9, Rising Freshman Night can be a way for future students to make more informed choices.
“They can get to know our staff, and what they want to be involved in,” Zambiasi said. “A lot of events start before school starts and we want to make sure they know who that director or coach is and can ask any questions they have.”
This event is also an opportunity for sports and other electives to share important information with incoming students.
“We share information for our summer schedule for skills, when our middle school camp will be, and when our tryouts start,” Dobbins said.
For 8th grader Maddie Whitehouse, this is an opportunity to get insight into what high school will be like.
“I want to see what the school offers and meet new people,” Whitehouse said. “I would also get to meet my coaches for high school sports, and I’m looking forward to getting to walk around meeting teachers.”