A synthesis dinner party over the Progressive Era was the assignment for American Studies students with the main course and dessert a quote they incorporated in their poster presented in class.
“[I feel like this is beneficial for students in the future] because the biggest thing for them, and [it’s] something that we all struggle with whenever we’re looking at our argument of essays or sentences essays, or even just in life, is about making connections,” teacher Ashley Worsham said. “So this will allow them to not only connect the sources, but the ideals that go behind that with the actual office for different sources.”
For some students, this project allowed them to be better prepared for the synthesis essay on the AP test.
“I learned how to group together documents better, preparing me for the synthesis essay on the AP Lang test,” junior Anagha Konuru said. “Also learned alongside my group how to work efficiently under a very tight schedule.”
Konuru enjoyed the creative aspect of the poster and she felt like she has a better understanding of the concept than other assignments they’ve done.
“I liked the format of it, it was much more creative and fun than the worksheets and tests we usually do in class,” Konuru said. “It also involved us having to think deeper about the sources we were given.”
The most difficult part of the project according to junior Janis Jaison was learning how to work effectively with a limited amount of time.
“The most challenging part of the project was timing issues,” Jaison said. “A lot of us overestimated the time we would be given for the project since there were multiple factors that were involved that took longer than we expected.”