Whoever said junior year was harder than senior clearly didn’t attend Frisco ISD. My junior year was probably my peak in high school. Everything has gone pretty much downhill from there. I had the perfect grade, I hung out with my friends on a regular basis, stress was manageable, and all my extracurriculars were going well.
Now, in the waning months of 12th grade, I could not want to smash my head against the wall more. It’s the second semester, I should not care about this school work but here I am, unable to relax. To add to that stress, I still have no idea where I am going for college. If I knew I was staying in-state, I would just focus on doing good on my AP tests so I could credit. Most of my out-of-state schools don’t even take the credits so I could save my energy.
It also does not help that I am friends with the alleged valedictorian and salutatorian who are the biggest TRY HARDS I have ever met in my entire life. I chronically compare myself to others, I can’t help it, it’s who I am. If they don’t give up, then I can’t give up. Or I guess I can just find new friends. Just kidding…
Between Mock Trial and newspaper, my time is spread thin. I’ve got both Mock Trial States and UIL for the newspaper in March. April is alright, but I have to study for the AP tests, or maybe not… WHO KNOWS? I certainly don’t and nothing can be determined until April 1.
You thought I was crashing out now, imagine my reaction when I found out that Spring Break doesn’t start at the end of the third nine-weeks. We have one more week of school after that and then I get to start fourth quarter. Fourth quarter is when my grades officially don’t matter for GPA and ranks.
I’m Christine and I and I am so flipping excited for the clock to run out.