Safety is sparse for seniors participating in this year’s Water Wars.
The annual senior activity is neither affiliated nor sponsored in any way by Frisco ISD, and is instead being hosted by Marwa Ibrahim with an entry fee of $5. Seniors can organize in teams of four, wielding water guns and spray bottles to take all the others down and win the jackpot. To participate, students will need water guns and the Splashin app.
Starting at 12:01 a.m. Monday, team captains will receive texts on assigned targets to tag (spray with a water gun)each week. Once the elimination is recorded on video and sent to @Redhawks25WW on Instagram with the time of the water attack attached, teams can earn one point and the target will be eliminated unless they’re brought back by their team by either a $15 “buy back” fee or 15 points earned through the game.
“Basically it’s an annual game for the senior class where you enter as teams of four and the grand prize is a pot of cash, I believe, from the entry fees,” senior Adelene Moesa said. “If you take a look at some of the videos they’ve posted on the insta page, there’s the teams and people in it. Certain locations are off limits such as school grounds and inside the house.”
The list of rules guides students throughout the entire process, outlining steps on how to register, the point system used within the game, and the safety zones. For students such as senior Gautham Beesetti, it’s a game that can involve significant preparation.
“I am preparing for water wars by buying a ton of water guns and planning stakeout spots,” Beesetti said. “I think this is a tradition to bring seniors closer together before they graduate and leave, I think it’s a great tradition because it de-stresses the seniors after college apps.”
Some students like senior Jeremy Jessop, a member of the team Soggy Hotties, may also have an advantage to bring to their teams.
“I’m preparing for the game by asking my older brother, who’s played these games before, for tips,” Jessop said.
More than the promised chaos of water attacks, Water Wars can offer an opportunity to end senior year with a splash and make lasting memories with friends.
“I was personally interested in Water Wars since it seemed like a fun way to end my senior year,” senior John Fu said. “To be honest, I don’t think we’ll win, so we’re just here for the fun and the experience. But if we somehow win, there is a cash prize.”