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The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


Chase Fritz

Chase Fritz, Daily Update B Day Producer

Chase Fritz loves short walks on the beach while also maybe listening to some seagull mating calls in the distance. If I had to choose a color to describe me it would definitely be a light indigo. Something not too dark where it might push people away but just enough for someone to look at it and go “Yeah, I feel that.” If you happen to be looking for Chase he may be on the golf course getting in a quick 18 or in his 2001 Jeep Wrangler heading to the bank to put in a large deposit. If you would like to befriend Chase, pick him up a small package of Brookside Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds from your local Target and he will gladly turn into your new best friend for the following 24 hours. If someone told me to describe myself in one sentence I would tell them “Life is about fulfillment. Do what you want to do and live life how you choose because today is the perfect day to start being you.” –Chase Fritz

All content by Chase Fritz