Opinion: test prep needs to start early

The deadline to sign up for an online practice version of the SAT is Friday at 5 p.m. The $10 fee for the test can be paid via onlineschoolfees.com.

The deadline to sign up for an online practice version of the SAT is Friday at 5 p.m. The $10 fee for the test can be paid via onlineschoolfees.com.

While high school comes with many things to worry about and take care of such as students’ GPA, class rank, report cards, and STAAR tests; but there are two tests that can be of utmost importance for juniors and seniors: the ACT and SAT.

The SAT and ACT are standardized tests that juniors and seniors take in order to admit into their future college and universities. These two exams test students on their math, reading, and writing skills and these play a big role into getting accepted into college after school.

College Raptor states that most four year colleges tend to put students’ SAT and ACT scored third in importance when admitting new students to their school, which comes behind their high school transcripts and extracurricular activities.

Both the SAT and ACT test what you’ve learned in high school and the best thing a student can do is prepare as much as possible for these tests.

Junior and senior year comes fast and students should prepare to take these standardized tests before the end of their junior year because this gives you time to get your scores back and see what you need to improve on for future tests. The Princeton Review recommends that students’ take the SAT/ACT at least 1-3 times until their meet the score they want. While you begin to start college applications in your senior year, you want to make sure that you have your tests scores pretty much set before the end of the fall of your senior year.

The SAT is given 7 times a year, while the ACT is given 6 times a year with the next one on Saturday. This gives students many opportunities to take this exam throughout the year. A big factor is studying for this test and preparing for it as much as possible.

Everyone wants to score as high as possible on these tests and it plays a big part in the college application process so students’ need to take responsibility and prepare for these tests as early as possible.