New policy requires unattended students to leave by 4:25 p.m.

A new school policy went into effect Wednesday that is attempting to clear the school of unsupervised students by 4:25 p.m. every day. The policy is not intended to impact students who are attending tutorials or taking part in athletics or other official after school activities.
A new campus policy was implemented Wednesday regarding students whereabouts after school with students being asked to leave the building by 4:25 p.m. unless students are attending tutorials in a classroom or with a supervised student organization such as athletics or a club. An email will be sent to parents Friday detailing the new policy.
“They have to go outside and wait for their ride,” assistant principal Stacey Whaling said. “We were noticing a lot of students were left unattended in various areas of the school and that’s a safety concern for the students and teachers especially when parents need to get their students, we can’t find them, so we’re just trying to tighten up security and make sure the campus is a safe, secure place for everyone to be.”
The policy was implemented after custodial staff and teachers began noticing students staying in the building long after school ended at 4:15 p.m.
“Getting students in their appropriate places after school is important because it creates a safe environment for everyone,” English teacher Michelle Porter said. “Students need to have a valid purpose for hanging around after school hours, they should be in tutorials or with a sponsored organization, the only other option is to leave the building.”
Students who do not abide to this policy will face consequences according to Whaling.
“We’re just looking for a positive attitude from students when an authority figures asks where they’re going to be, it will have to be a group effort of students and staff to make this work and keep everyone safe,” Whaling said. “There will be consequences if the students are not cooperative, what those consequences are depends on those actions, but we will try to be fair and consistent across the board.”
Junior Caitlyn Kleibert understands something should be done to address students wandering the building, but she says those waiting for a ride should be allowed to stay in certain areas.
“I think this policy is necessary for students who hang out after school hours just for fun because there could be students that might get in trouble and be places they shouldn’t be,” Kleibert said. “However, for students that are waiting for a ride and are just in the rotunda or cafeteria not causing any problems, I don’t think it’s fair to kick them out at 4:25. In my situation I don’t like being in the front or outside cause it’s either too hot or cold, so I stay in the cafeteria or rotunda and wait for my ride.”
However, school administrators say the policy will encourage safety on campus.
“There is a lot more that students could get into inside the school. It is a lot safer to be outside on the steps waiting for a parent than to be roaming around the building,” Whaling said. “It’s our job on campus to keep students safe, and there’s just too many things that could be a potential hazard. There are cameras outside, but at that point it’s up to parents to pick their students up in a timely manner.”

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