Sincerely Sydney: Don’t give what you don’t have


In her weekly column, staff reporter Sydney Gish provides her take on high school life.

Being there for others and aiding them when they’re in a dire situation is a general reaction for anyone. Most of us want to be able to help our friends in any way we can, however there comes a point where we have to take care of ourselves as well.

Everyone has realized that high school is difficult and it can be hard to balance everything without feeling like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. In addition to our own problems, some of us are dealing with our friends as well. Being there for people, especially friends, is natural but there comes a point where you have to realize you can’t be everything to everyone all at once.

Some of us are just wired to make sure everyone else is happy, without giving out own mental health a second thought. I know many of people, including myself, who pour all the energy they possess into other people. It’s a common thing for many people; to focus on everyone else’s needs and wants before thinking about our own.

I know I am not the only person who has backed out of plans or made excuses to get out of them because I needed some time to myself. It was by no means to ignore the person or for the sole fact I didn’t want to hang out with them, but rather I had burned myself out and I needed time to get back on track.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not selfish to spend time on yourself. What is selfish is actually putting others first. Taking care of yourself to where you are truly OK is the best way to be genuinely helpful to others, as you are not able to give what you don’t have.

It is good to care for others and want to help them as best you can, but sometimes the best way to do that is to take care of yourself. It is the most effective way to get stronger mentally and in turn being more useful to those you care about.

