Say it Louder: Nothing wrong with emotions and feelings


Whether it’s something about school, being a student, or a social issue, columnist Emma Cramption tries to make sure her message is heard in her weekly column “Say it Louder”.

It’s OK to be sad sometimes. It’s OK to have emotions and feelings. This generation has made it a trend to not care about anything and have no attachment to anyone, but that’s no way to live. Emotions are a part of us for a reason and we need to allow ourselves to feel them in order for them to pass.

Every single person reacts to situations a different way than the person standing next to them. While something may just be no big deal to one person, it may really affect another. At times these people will be viewed as “too sensitive” when in reality it’s just a matter of perception.

Some people are more sensitive to certain topics due to past experiences that you may not be aware of. If someone is clearly upset about something, never assume that they’re overreacting, even if it seems so small. You don’t know the full story. I notice a lot of this happening around me everyday.

People will say things about others about how they don’t understand why they’re this upset over something so small, but you just have no idea what’s going on in other people’s lives. Sometimes it’s not even based on a past experience. There are times when things will just be building up over time and one small thing will just push them over the edge.

It’s OK to be sad sometimes. It’s OK to have emotions and feelings. This generation has made it a trend to not care about anything and have no attachment to anyone, but that’s no way to live. Emotions are a part of us for a reason and we need to allow ourselves to feel them in order for them to pass.

An example that comes to mind is a break up. If someone seems more upset than they probably should be over a break up, don’t belittle them by telling them that it’s just a high school relationship. Obviously they know what the relationship entailed, and what looks like “just a high school relationship” to you could have been so much more to them. There are so many details to every background story that we as bystanders have absolutely no awareness of. And we need to start taking it into account because nobody should ever feel guilty about their feelings.