Short lunches make for less effecient students

30 minutes for lunch isnt enough for guest columnist Jaelon Hall as he thinks a half hour short changes students.

Henry Youtt

30 minutes for lunch isn’t enough for guest columnist Jae’lon Hall as he thinks a half hour short changes students.

Jae'lon Hall, Guest Contributor

School lunches have been extended approximately five minutes each from last year’s timetable. However, this leaves students without much time to reenergize. Lunches should be longer than 30 minutes. Some schools in the country only give students 15 minutes to eat lunch, while others enjoy an entire hour. To ensure students are getting all the academic instruction they need throughout the school day, lunch breaks are often the first item to go on the list.

Some school districts have cut lunch to just a few minutes, forcing students to hurry up and eat their food as quickly as possible so they can return to their classes. As the recommended time to give students to actually eat their lunches is twenty minutes, schools need to figure out how to give each student that amount of time based on the number of students being served and how long it will take them to get their lunches and sit down.

Students are still fighting to get their food while still leaving enough time to eat, and often end up with cold food they do not even want to eat. Other schools leave their students with a mere 15 minutes for lunch. Without enough time to eat, students go back to class with hunger and have poor focus, affecting their academic performance. A longer lunch period would not only afford students more time to eat, but more time for the staff to prepare the food more efficiently and at higher quality.

Some cafeteria workers have suggested having at least a forty minute lunch period, which would allow the staff to prepare and serve half the food at a time. This would mean fresher food that can be served hot to all students.Being able to socialize during Lunch is going to keep students from talking in class and learning more in class and also be able to focus more, which also helps with academic studies. Lunch is an important aspect of school just like classes and just like an academic class, lunch should be just as long.