Frisco ISD looks ahead after voter approval on TRE/bond
Monday’s regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting discussed a variety of subjects. On the agenda was student and staff recognitions, the 2023-2024 budget, and polling locations.
November 12, 2018
The Board of Trustees meets Monday from 7:30 – 10:00 p.m. to discuss their scheduled agenda. But beyond the things being discussed, there’s the question of what’s next after voters approved the Tax Ratification Election and the bond proposal on Nov. 6.
Knowing every student by name and need seems like a daunting task for a school district with more than 60,000 students, but additional funds for the district through the recently passed TRE and bond measures may make that mission easier.
“So one of the things we are looking at right off the bat is looking at how we can reduce class sizes, get more pay to teachers, and increase student opportunity,” Deputy Superintendent of Schools Todd Fouche said. “We are meeting with a committee we call the long range planning committee which is a group of citizens, as well as staff members, and we are going to talk about these things and discuss these things and decide what things do we want to implement right now and what can we implement right now.”
However, some changes proposed by the district might not take effect as soon.
“Some of those things you can’t implement unless you have staff, and there is not always a lot of teacher’s hanging around looking for jobs in November,” Fouche said. “We have a timeline that we shared with our committee that shows when each of those things will kind of happen, some of those things will start happening quickly — some small renovations and things like that you could start seeing as soon as a few months from now. most of them would be over the summer, a lot of the renovations and things like that would start happening then.”
The money provided by the TRE and bond will allow the district to create an extended timeline for future projects
“We expect this program to last five to seven years. so it’s definitely not going to be something where in the next six months you are going to see a phenomenal amount of things popping up everywhere,” Fouche said. Each year there are certain things that we have happen, whether its beginning construction of a building, or painting a certain building, renovating a certain building. it’s definitely built where its spread out over many years and it’s not like everybody is going to see big things pop up right off the bat.”