Fine Arts Extravaganza double feature for freshman
Melia Terry set to perform with both Red Rhythm and orchestra
Stretching before practice, freshman Melia Terry participates in both Red Rhythm and orchestra. Having to switch off between the two, Terry will have a packed schedule performing for both in the Winter Extravaganza.
It would be a double feature at the Winter Fine Arts Extravaganza on Tuesday and Wednesday for freshman Melia Terry as she is set to perform with both Red Rhythm and the orchestra.
“I’m excited for the Fine Arts Extravaganza because I get to participate in two fine arts performance,” Terry said. “I also get to see the other fine arts organizations and what they have to show.”

In addition to performing with Red Rhythm on Tuesday and Wednesday, freshman Melia Terry will also be playing the violin with the orchestra.
She has been dancing for nearly 12 years and playing the violin for four.
“Melia has had a passion for dance since she was old enough to walk,” dad Victor Terry said. “She’s always been very graceful and athletic. Being a natural at dance has fueled her passion. When it comes to the violin Melia is just as talented, but it takes a little more work. Her passion for violin is not as strong as it is for dance, but the payoff is equally as significant.”
Her aptitude in the subjects is a source of pride to her parents.
“I am always excited to see Melia perform dance and play the violin,” mom Terryce Terry said. “It makes me happy knowing that she works hard to be good at what she loves. I always have a great sense of pride watching her.
Apart from the fascination with each elective, preventing the two from clashing is a big part of Terry’s extracurricular life. As there are up to three orchestra practices a week, and up to seven Red Rhythm practices a week.
“When there is an event for both electives going on at the same time I figure out which one I need to go to and how going to which will affect me,” Terry said.
During the winter months is when Terry’s schedule can get the busiest with contest season for Red Rhythm approaching and orchestra concerts on the horizon.
“Melia’s schedule is fairly demanding,” Victor said. “She has had to wake up early twice a week for Red Rhythm practice. She also is required to wake up early on Saturday to go to private violin lessons. This is on top of performing at her best academically for school.”
Trying to balance to different extracurricular activities can be a challenge, but for Melia’s passion for both makes it work.
“Dance is a really important part of my life and I love to learn new choreography, perform the dances after working on them and I love seeing my friends and making fun memories with them,” Melia said. “In orchestra, I love learning new music and playing it after improving the pieces.

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Victor Terry Sr. • Feb 4, 2019 at 8:56 pm
We all are so very proud of Melia . As stated in the article she’s been dancing almost since she could walk. Her dedication to what she sets her mind to is attributed to her parents and the support and encouragment of her family and loved ones . And to top it off she is a wonderful inside and out. Best of luck with the extravaganza Melia. Grand Daddy and Grand Ma Faye love you very much.