Featured Athlete: Yatin Pokle

Grade: 10 | Sport: Tennis

Sophomore Yatin Pokle has been playing tennis since 3rd grade. He hopes on improving his backhand.

Katharina Santos, Staff Reporter

Wingspan: How long have you been in tennis and what inspired you to start it?

Pokle: “I’ve been playing for fun since 3rd grade but I started taking the sport seriously in 7th grade. I was inspired by other professional players and I wanted to play the game like they did.”

Wingspan: What fuels your passion to continue to pursue tennis?

Pokle: “The competitive nature of the sport fuels my passion and I want to always one up others who also play the sport.”

Wingspan: What do you enjoy most about the sport?

Pokle: “I like how not only does tennis require physical ability but also requires strategies.”

Wingspan: What is the most challenging thing about the sport?

Pokle: “The most challenging part about tennis is improving. Tennis is known to be the most frustrating sport and it shows in practice.”

Wingspan: What is something that you want to improve on?

Pokle: “I want to improve my backhand shots.”

Wingspan: What do you do to prepare for matches? What hypes you up?

Pokle: “I prepare for matches by resting the day before and sometimes maybe eating lots of carbs, pasta is a good source. Since I play doubles in the spring, my doubles partner and I hype each other up before a during the matches.”