NHS induction ceremony Thursday evening
National Honor Society is hosting its induction ceremony Thursday after school at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium.
April 18, 2019
National Honor Society is hosting its induction ceremony Thursday after school at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium.
“I’m really looking forward to being part of the organization,” sophomore Franny Trezza said. “I already volunteer a lot outside of school and I think that this will provide me with more volunteer or more volunteer opportunities, because like it’s one of my biggest passions and just really excited to do that.”
NHS sponsor Kelli Duckworth hopes the ceremony will help students get excited about the organization.
“I’m looking forward to the whole ceremony I think that the kids get really excited to be a part of this organization,” Duckworth said. “And the parents are very proud of their accomplishments. The formality and the celebration of the ceremony are what I’m looking forward to.”