Students on the quest for recommendation letters

Seoyeon Stephanie Chung

Kasey Harvey, Editor-In-Chief

For many fall season means pumpkin spice lattes and football season, but for staff on campus, it’s college recommendation letters.

It’s a busy season for the counsellors as they need to fill out school reports for all seniors with some colleges also requiring recommendation letters from them. 

“It is definitely a busy season for counsellors as we are right in the middle of writing recommendation letters and filling out school reports for all of our seniors as they apply to colleges,” counselor Andrea Douglas said. “The number of letters varies by counselors as we have different alphas. It also varies by year because of the size of the senior class and the types of schools they are applying to because not all schools need a counselor letter.”

Many teachers on campus are also busy with recommendation letters, with some teachers asking seniors to fill out a google form to learn more about the students before writing their recommendation letters. 

“There is a Google document and students make the copy of the google document and fill out the required portions,” English teacher Chad Doty said. “Then they share that with me and that just gives me a way to know which colleges they are applying to and how I am going to upload recommendation letters so it reminds me of what they did well in my class. It gives me a chance to focus on aspects of their character that they would like me to mention or that I might consider mentioning it as well as outside extracurricular activities that are relevant to the essay.”