Simply Shreya: the strength in you
Wingspan’s Shreya Jagan shares her personal take on issues and experiences in her weekly column Simply Shreya.
January 22, 2020
How much energy does it take for a person to care?
I spend all of my time trying to make those around me happy, their emotions become mine. And for someone like me, it’s weird to see the exact opposite in another person. It’s quite absurd seeing people that don’t realize that their actions have consequences.
When one goes through with something insensitive and hurtful, they’re achieving nothing more than burning a bridge. Sure, every human being in this world is different. I get that.
But, how do so many people manage to hit the same spot?
Over and over and over again.
I’ve seen so many times, so many people being treated like punching bags. So many people that give so much but don’t get anything in return. So many people regretting things that aren’t their fault.
All because of a certain someone that created this hole by punching one too many times. I’ve seen so many precious people experience things that they don’t deserve to experience.
To me, I see it as betrayal. Others, may see it in a different light. But, if there is a name to describe hurting someone you love, there is no better word that shines than betrayal.
It took me a while to figure out that the amount of effort someone puts in is an indication of how much they care. And the worst feeling in the world is when you figure out that they don’t care as much as you thought they did.
Honestly, the whole event just seems childish and very cliche. Those that you thought used to cherish you bring you down instead. How much more ironic can you get?
But, from all hurt rises happiness. Or, at least I like to think so. Use the strength that is inside of you. The same strength that allowed you to feel pain will bring you up once you cast aside all of that negativity. Granted, letting go of someone that hurt you in the past is one of the hardest things to do. Forgiving them is even harder.
The issue is though, that until we erase those bad memories from our mind, we can’t move forward. We can’t lead a calm life. Yes, there are hardships but what you create from that proves your real strength.
Ultimately, all we can hope to get out of a time like this is a peace of mind and a feeling of support from ourselves, and from those around us that sincerely care.