No in-person meetings, no trouble, as Improv troupe utilizes Zoom


Kyle Strickland

Each year several Redhawks theatre students are inducted into the International Thespian Society, and organization working to promote the celebration of educational theatre in a high school setting. Aside from activities throughout the year, the Redhawk ITS troupe’s main gathering is held in November when they get to attend the International Thespian Festival.

Jonathon Anderson, WTV Staff Reporter

In spite of the stay at home orders and cancellation of in-person school through April, the Improv Club has found ways to continue holding meetings via Zoom.

“So how those basically work, is that all of us get on Zoom with our director and basically we all just talk for a moment and then we all have our mics muted and we basically play a game and there are audience members and there’s participants,” Improv troupe leader Jessica Daly said. “Basically participants will actually be playing the game and audience members will just watch with their mics muted.”

Daly’s fellow troupe leader Brynn Soulakis sees the meetings as a great opportunity to connect. 

“I think this is a great way for us to run improv momentarily because it allows us to still be able to meet once a week, play some of the games, remember some of those improv skills, work on those techniques, and see each other and hang out with each other,” Soulaki said. “It gives us an opportunity to maybe practice some new games and get some ideas for whenever we can meet up. Maybe how we could implement those online games into some real-life games as well.”

Senior Emily DeGarmo thinks that the meetings are well handled given the current situation.

So far I think that the way Improv is going is working pretty well because you can still play certain games online,” DeGarmo said. “I kinda wish we could play a little bit more games but usually it seems like it’s just one game, and going on talking and it’s nice to socialize but it’ll probably just have to take little bit longer to get into the flow of things and figure out which games work and which don’t so i think it’s going pretty good.”