Feature Athlete: Henry Nguyen

Grade: 10 | Sport: Swim

Harley Classe, Assistant Sports Editor

Wingspan: When did you start swimming?

Nguyen: “I started swim when I was 7.”

Wingspan: Who encouraged you to start swimming?

Nguyen: “The thing that encouraged me to swim was just that my mom made me because I was chubby.”

Wingspan: What is the hardest part about swim?

Nguyen: “The hardest thing about swim for me is the time we have to wake up to practice, which is around 6:30 a.m. everyday.”

Wingspan: What’s your favorite part about your sport?

Nguyen: “My favorite part about swim is the people, as I made a couple friends.”

Wingspan: Who is your biggest role model?

Nguyen: “My biggest role models would be previous swimmers that graduated, as they were fast and invited me into their inner group.”

Wingspan: What is one thing people think about swimming that isn’t actually true?

Nguyen: “One thing that people may not think about swim is that it is demanding, as it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to succeed in.”

Wingspan: Do you have a pre meet routine?

Nguyen: “Finally, our pre meet routine is usually a pasta party, where we just party at someone’s house and eat a ton of carbs.”