Simply Shreya: do your best
Wingspan’s Shreya Jagan shares her personal take on issues and experiences in her weekly column Simply Shreya.
January 6, 2021
Somehow, 2020 is now over. And as the annual second semester rolls around, so does the hustle and bustle of picking classes for next year. At this point, I’m sure everybody is familiar with this period of time.
The last minute texts to their friends asking what classes they’re taking. The last minute google searches for random forums. The last minute internal debate of enjoyment vs. academics.
We’ve all been through it. But for some reason, picking classes this year seems more monumental of a task. Something that could make or break my high school and college career. Now, obviously, I’m exaggerating just a tad but it still feels more different than usual. Maybe it’s because there’s more pressure now on academics ever since the pandemic began. Or maybe it’s because I’m going to be a senior next year (that comes with its very own freak-out session).
But, I think it’s just because everyone is going through something different this year. Amidst all the crazy, there’s just this want to get something right.
That’s why I think that it’s really amazing to have a good support system around you (family, friends, teachers, counselors). I know that I’m planning to get more information from our counselors. Basically, it’s just great to know that there are people there for you. But, I’m here to say one thing: do your best. I’m not going to say that “it’s all going to be ok”, or “don’t stress”, because it’s almost impossible to not stress about these sorts of things. So, what’s the point in saying that?
All that I think matters is that you try your hardest because then you’ll have nothing to regret. Sure, things may not turn out perfect but knowing that you did everything in your power to make things perfect is enough.
This sounds way too philosophical to be about course selections. Right? Yes, definitely yes. But, I think that in some way, it can be applied here.
Do your best.
And if that means taking early release for your mental health, or taking a fun class to balance the otherwise hectic schedule you have, then go for it. And if that means having a heavy workload because you like to learn, then go for it.
I think that that’s the definition we all should have when we think of the phrase “do your best”.