New club applications coming up
As the school year begins, students have the opportunity to start a club on campus. More details will be released by Sept. 1, when club applications open.
August 19, 2022
Only a little over a week into the 2022-23 school year, and joining clubs is already back on the minds of many students. While some may elect to join clubs, others may start their own club with the window to start a club opening on Sept. 1.
The process to start a club begins with finding a teacher to sponsor your club. Once students have a teacher sponsor, they need to email associate principal Brooke Fesco at At this meeting, students will discuss the purpose and goal of their club, as well as the value it will add to the campus.
Students will then wait for an approval email, and when they receive it, their club sponsor will receive an application that they need to complete.
For more information, students can check the bulletin at the front of the school.