Finding the right study methods


Provided by Jiya Surywanshi

Teenage study habits have changed over the course of time. Guest contributor Pranavi Poojeri looks into different study methods that can help with the workload that comes with high school.

Pranavi Poojeri, Guest Contributor

High school can be challenging for everybody sometimes. With a multitude of tests, quizzes, and assignments each week, it’s stressful to have to work throughout all of it each day. However, the right study methods can help push your grades higher. 

#1)  Break tasks down into smaller pieces

Taking multiple difficult classes leaves your day jam-packed with assignments, but sometimes breaking these tasks into smaller steps can help keep you motivated during study sessions. Instead of doing all of your work at once, or procrastinating, try making a list of assignments you have based on how close their due date is and their difficulty.

 For assignments of high priority, break out a timer and try finishing them before the time runs out. It’s important not to rush things, though- if you don’t finish, take a break, and repeat. On the other hand, assignments that take longer should be worked on every day. For example, for a 10-slide presentation, work on two slides each day. Soon you’ll have finished with plenty of time to spare. 

#2) Who, What, When, Where, Why method

This one is especially useful for historical events or for breaking down complex processes. If looking at the big picture doesn’t make sense, compartmentalizing the concept into smaller subjects can help piece together information. Start by writing what you already know, for example, “who” can be the name of the event or people involved. 

#3) Space out your study sessions

Cramming at the last minute won’t help you get a good grade on tests, and neither will studying for too long. According to LifeSeasons, the human brain can’t concentrate for more than 180 minutes (or two hours) without needing a break. So instead of forcing yourself into a 5-hour study session, study for tests starting at least a week before the test date. Each day you can study for 50-75 minutes and by doing this you can get more studying done and absorb more information. 

#4) Active Recall

Active Recall can be a great way to test what you already know and what you might need to practice. There are many ways of implementing this technique, but the one most of us are familiar with is flashcards.

On the front of the card, write the term, event, or pictures relating to the subject. On the back, write as much as you can remember. Forget about accuracy and write whatever comes to mind. Once finished writing, flip open your notes or textbook and add or edit anything you missed. For maximum efficiency, repeat this method until you’ve got it memorized. 

#5) Practice Tests

For the final tip, practice tests are an easy yet effective way for students to study. Taking practice tests can introduce types of questions to you that might be on the final exam, and it will prepare your brain to respond to the test questions. You can find these tests on Quizizz, Quizlet, Kahoot, or make one with your friends. 

These are just a few of millions of methods and schedules out there. Remember that some methods won’t work for everyone, and experiment with different ideas to see what works best for you. Whatever happens, just have fun and do what works for you.