Name: Ashlynn Bullard
Grade: sophomore
Wingspan: What made you start color guard?
Bullard: ¨I was in band for a few years and I struggled with my confidence and the mental health challenges that came with it, I also have dance experience and my old middle school directors thought it would be a great alternative for me so I made the switch.¨
Wingspan: What has been color guard’s toughest part, and how do you manage it?
Bullard: ¨The toughest part is 100% the mental exhaustion, we have extremely long hours and a lot of standards. So I think just being drained and having to build motivation for myself.¨
Wingspan: How would you describe your experience so far?
Bullard: ¨My experience has been a rollercoaster, by far the best decision ever, but it has been a lot of learning on how to manage myself.¨
Wingspan: Have you faced any challenges throughout your experience at color guard?
Bullard: ¨Yes, dealing with asthma and anxiety sometimes it’s hard to get over myself.¨
Wingspan: Where do you see yourself in the future for color guard?
Bullard: ¨Hopefully I see myself performing professionally at Drum Corp International and Winter Guard International¨
Wingspan: What are some strengths that help you perform better?
Bullard: ¨Making a new persona, or as our director says our sasha fierce, and separating my normal self from my performance self.¨
Wingspan: What has been your favorite part of color guard?
Bullard: ¨I loved and enjoyed performing with the band at football games and getting to prepare for them.¨