Juniors are taking the SAT on Wednesday; an email was sent out last week with students’ testing room numbers and other testing info. Seniors, sophomores, and freshmen will have late arrival and will be required to check into their second period class at 12:15 p.m. In addition, both Tuesday and Wednesday will be B days.
“SAT is super important for scholarships and getting more college opportunities,” junior Elle Monohan said. “While non-testing schools are becoming more popular, good SAT scores open doors for so many things.”
Juniors Annecy Scheuler and Jeremy Jessop agree.
“You can feel prepared for future tests in college,” Schueler said. “Also, you can see how well you are doing with different subjects.”
“Good SAT scores help you get into better colleges and get better jobs in the future,” Jessop said. “It also looks good when applying for scholarships and stuff like that.”
For some students, the test on Wednesday is a culmination of an extensive time spent studying.
“I have an SAT Prep Book, and I study it during the week,” Schueler said. “I limit myself to one hour each night.”
The College Board and Khan Academy websites also have multiple practice tests available for juniors looking for a last-minute study session.
“Khan Academy is great for SAT prep so I usually do lots of practice there and sometimes practice exams to see where I’m at,” Monohan said.
In addition to the other changes revolving around SAT this week, the SAT will be digital for the first time ever.
“I think it’s going to be better online,” Jessop said. “That way you can flag questions and I just feel like it will be less of a hassle than the paper version. I’ve also heard that we get built-in calculators, which will be super helpful.”
Additional details about the digital SAT, test taking information, double B day schedule, and late arrival can be found on the Frisco ISD website and the Campus Connection newsletter.