Opinion: more Pre-AP classes should be offered

Michael Capps, Guest Contributor

Every year whenever April rolls around, students are left with a decision between taking AP and dealing with all the homework and challenges or on-level at the sacrifice of 10 possible points towards GPA.

As a junior, deciding classes last spring was a challenge. With three AP classes offered in English, physics, and U.S. History, I didn’t want to have three AP classes on my plate.

With Pre-Calculus the only Pre-AP class offered I wanted, that left a decision between the three AP classes offered.

However, I wanted to have a balance between AP and on-level classes to ease my schedule. With only one Pre-AP class offered for my core classes, I had to sacrifice more points toward my GPA for some on-level courses.

I believe that with every core class offered, an on-level and Pre-AP course should be offered to all students as the standard.

AP classes should still be still offered to the same courses, but a Pre-AP course would bring many more benefits to the school and the community.

First, students have more options when selecting their course. They don’t have to decide between the big gap between AP and on-level with the course in between.

Second, this provides more jobs for teachers around the school. Although we may have restrictions for rooms, portables can be put in and less on-level classes and AP classes will be needed which will free up classrooms.

This could also reflect well on the school as Pre-AP courses could boost a student’s GPA and the higher student’s GPA’s are, the better the school looks.

All in all, a requirement of schools to include Pre-AP courses should be offered to all students for the best interest of the students and the school.