Sincerely Sydney: Growing up and moving on


In her weekly column, staff reporter Sydney Gish provides her take on high school life.

I’ve always been the one to say how much I wish to leave Texas in its entirety. I would have never been caught saying this in recent years, but Frisco is my home and it always will be. And for me, after I go off to college I won’t get the chance to come back. All of the things I’ve grown up with have shaped me into who I am and I’m scared to live my life leaving all the things that built me.

Everyone goes on day by day and nothing really changes. But without even realizing it we’re all going to walk across a stage with our caps and gowns on. All of us going in different directions and many of us making the jump from adolescence to adulthood. Then looking back, everything has changed.

Many of us have only been in this school district and haven’t lived anywhere else. If you look around you, you’re most likely in your bedroom. Your parents are probably downstairs. Siblings in their room. Pets roaming the halls of the house. This is everything we’ve ever known. Everyone has had a different experience growing up, so this may not be the situation for all of us. But circumstances are the same, as virtually all of us live with our parents and don’t worry about how to pay for all the bills or how we’re going to pay for something as simple as a doctors appointment.

I’ve heard so many people talk about how they can’t wait to get away from their families and live the way they want. Yes, college is exciting and getting to do things on our own sounds amazing. At first I was looking forward to figuring out who I am and how I want my life to be. I still am, but it wasn’t until these past few months I realized how hard the shift is going to be. We go from having mostly everything set out for us then suddenly we’re having to live on our own.

I thought this was me simply not wanting to grow up but it’s bigger than that. I’ve always been the one to say how much I wish to leave Texas in its entirety. I would have never been caught saying this in recent years, but Frisco is my home and it always will be. And for me, after I go off to college I won’t get the chance to come back. All of the things I’ve grown up with have shaped me into who I am and I’m scared to live my life leaving all the things that built me.

Change is hard. It’s really hard. Tearing up while I write this, because I realize it’s not only my life that changes. My mom and I have the closest relationship and I can’t imagine how hard it is for any parent to let their child go. My sister is the light of my life and I’ll be missing parts of her life, only getting to see them when I come around for the holidays. I’ve made so many mistakes and in the real world there isn’t always going to be someone to tell me everything’s alright.

These are just a few of the fears and sentiments I have about growing up and moving on. But no matter how scared I am, I know I’m never truly going to be alone. I was raised in a way where I had to undergo trials and tribulations that make me feel like I’m capable of making it and I’m forever thankful for that. People like my mom, sister, friends I’ve made now and friends I will make in the future, are my inspirations to succeed. More than anything I want them to be proud of the person I become.

