Through the eyes of Luke Newcombe

One of the most interesting details that came from sitting down with Luke’s dad was what it’s like through the eyes of Luke Newcombe, so I donned a pair of goggles and obscured my vision to try to get a feel for what it’s like.

“If you spend a day in the like of Luke Newcombe, you’ll never understand it completely because you sit in a classroom with him and you’ll see him functioning just like everybody else, except maybe when he pulls a piece of paper close to his face,” dad Richard Newcombe said. “But if you spent a minute in his life, and you had say swim goggles, and you took one side and you blackened them out and took the other side and smeared it so that you couldn’t see so clearly, and then walk through your day in school and see what that’s like. It’s almost an irony that when you see him, you don’t really see that he’s got an issue, but he’s got a lot that he’s dealing with and doing a great job dealing with it, and it’s because of that you don’t think that he has an issue, and that’s remarkable. It’s amazing. He’s an amazing individual, that he’s overcome all of that to be as successful as he is.”