Sincerely Sydney: good health is taken for granted


In her weekly column, staff reporter Sydney Gish provides her take on high school life.

Exercising, eating, going out, laughing, sleeping are all common things people participate in. It’s the simple things we are able to do everyday that is taken for granted. No one thinks about what happens if suddenly those things were taken away.

Good health is something that’s valued and needed to live a plentiful life. Most of us have it and it’s always there even when we don’t think about it. We don’t ever think something serious could ever happen to our bodies that takes the little pleasures in life away but it does happen.

I think many things are often taken for granted, but before this year I never looked at my health as something important because it was never compromised. I ate normally, I slept normally, I had energy everyday and was able to go out with my friends. I didn’t expect that to be taken away all at once, but no one ever expects something serious could actually happen to them.

Taking care of yourself is so important and ensuring you’re healthy as well. There’s always a chance things we don’t expect to happen do and the most important thing is to stay positive throughout those times. Everyday is a chance to count your blessings and really look at everything good surrounding you to make sure gratitude is given.


