All Voices Matter: stay home still


Prachurjya Shreya

In her weekly column, All Voices Matter, staff reporter Aviance Pritchett gives her take on social and cultural issues.

Aviance Pritchett, Staff Reporter

Governor Greg Abbott has decided to allow some businesses to open on Friday, reasoning that “the state’s stay-at-home order has done its job to slow the growth of COVID-19.” Overall, 60 percent of Americans support stay-at-home restrictions. In Texas, 85 percent of voters say they would support mandatory quarantines of anyone exposed to the coronavirus. There’s also been a lot of protests against these restrictions, with the most notable and recent one being the armed protestors in Michigan.

I get we’re all getting a little crazy over it. Even my optimism has minimized quite a lot. This is America, and everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs because it’s our constitutional right. I know that lots of people have good reasoning behind these protests, such as being out of a job. I get it. Really. We all want this to be over.

But if health officials and all of the other people who are way more knowledgeable about pandemics and this particular virus then we are, then maybe, just maybe, we could listen to them. If you want this to be over, then avoid unnecessary trips outside, and if you do go outside, keep a distance of six feet between you and other people. There’s so much about this virus that we don’t know about, and therefore we must be extremely cautious. The more you go outside for stupid reasons and potentially infect other people, the longer we stay inside. And you know what happens when we stay inside longer? Whatever people had planned for the summer, whether it be road trips, college visits, or whatever, may be pushed back or canceled. There will be no hot girl summer. We will be stuck here and miserable until you all stop going outside for unnecessary reasons.

Many Americans don’t have a choice, I’m well aware of that—my mom is considered an essential worker and several of her coworkers have contracted the virus, and she has gotten tested for it. The results haven’t come back yet, so there’s nothing to confirm yet, but still. I totally understand. But please stay home when you can. Our dislike of quarantine aside, think of how many other people are putting their lives on the line in order to keep our nation running in a mostly normal way. Ask yourself if it’s really worth it to go hang out with friends physically instead of Facetiming or something. 

Just stay inside. Like I’m so serious. I’m so tired. I kinda miss school. That’s the only reason why I want to get out of here because keeping up with online school is starting to become a struggle. You and I aren’t the only ones tired of this pandemic. Be selfless and think of others too.