Percussion ensemble puts on annual show

Abir Faisal

Gabriel Demartin, Guest Contributor

Percussion is having their annual Percussion Ensemble Concert on Friday at 7 p.m with guest star, Childish Gambino’s drummer, Dani Markam performing with the ensemble during the second half.

“Ms. Markham is very energetic and she’s very nice and kind,” junior Kathryn Hung said. “It was interesting just to see her side of things, from her experience and all the things she’s been through as a professional percussionist.”

It’s the first time senior Hunter Ritchie has been able to perform live with the percussion ensemble in years, with the last time also featuring a professional drummer. 

“I’ve done one and a half percussion concerts, since my freshman year was pre-Covid-19,” Ritchie said. “That was wonderful because we had Richie Bravo here as the drummer for Shakira, which was some of the most fun I’ve had playing percussion.”

Preparing for weeks, the percussionists are ready for Friday’s show. 

“We have a lot of really fun and complex pieces that we’ve been working on for a while,” senior Ryden Suzuki said. “Since we had a dress rehearsal, I think everything will turn out well.”

Having the chance to rehearse with Markham on Thursday, sophomore Yuktha Pernati is looking forward to playing with her. 

“Honestly, after the clinic I would say that I’m more excited now than I was before,” Pernati said. “I’m looking forward to what she’s going to do on Friday.”