The first-ever campus alumni panel occurred Tuesday.
Seniors had the opportunity to listen to student alumni who shared advice and encouragement for their future paths.
Planning classes before college, what to expect for college, and the differences between high school and college were discussed at the panel yesterday by the class of 2023.
For many seniors, what happens after high school and what college is really like can remain something of an unknown, but yesterday, through the alumni panel, many seniors were able to get an inside look at their futures.
“I feel like this is beneficial because we got some experience from college students who actually have just finished their first semester and they are able to give us a good insight on what we need to know, what we don’t need to know, and what is very useful for when we all go away, whether we’re going to college or to a bigger school,” senior Emory Williams said.
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For alumnus Ethan Wang being able to come back and help out the class of 2024 will hopefully encourage seniors not to be afraid of the future and look forward to college.
“Definitely for the senior panel just being able to share about our first time experiences with college, that information that we’ve gathered from learning from our own mistakes and helping you to keep from doing those same mistakes is definitely one of the biggest things that would get me to come back here to tell you all about it,” Wang said. “Plus, I just really like telling all the people about the fun times I’ve had and all of the bits of advice that I’ve definitely got to make through this first very difficult year of college.”