Beyond Obama’s reach

David Figueroa, Staff columnist

The recent decree by the Obama administration telling public school districts across the country to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice is just the icing on top of the cake of horrible decisions that this administration has made over the past eight years.

Before I get into my views, I want to make it clear that I have nothing against transgender people. I personally do not agree with what they are doing, but that is their business. Who am I to tell them that the gender they identify with is wrong? And just because I disagree with their choices doesn’t mean I dislike them as people.

Just because a person feels as though they are a male when they are physically a female or vice versa doesn’t mean that they should be able to use whatever restroom they want. I respect their decision, I really do. But men and women have very distinct parts, and I feel as though it is best to put up some barriers. But now, the Obama administration has made its statement to public school districts.

Although it does not have the power of law to back it up, the Obama administration warned in its letter that school districts who do not comply could face lawsuit or loss of federal aid. And that, honestly, just seems absurd to me. This is not an issue of bigotry or civil rights, this is an issue of keeping people safe. At the very least, let this issue be up to the discretion of the school district itself. To tell schools that they absolutely have to allow boys into the girl’s restrooms is simply un-American.

I feel that the recent statement made by the Obama administration is in direct violation of our constitutional rights. This has not been approved by Congress. This has not been signed into law. This is practically the definition of abuse of power by a government leader. Although a president has the power to issue executive orders, I don’t believe the Obama administration should have made such a decision. A district that decides not to let transgender people use the bathroom of their choice cannot be legally reprimanded, but the Obama administration will take financial action against them.

Why should the Obama administration be allowed to do this? Answer: It’s shouldn’t. This recent decision by the Obama administration is not democratic at all and should be put to the people not the executive office.   

I, myself, do not agree with transgender people being allowed to use whatever bathroom they want. However, I will not get into my views on that topic here. The main point of this article is to talk about how the Obama administration, with its recent decision, has made a bad decision. The president is the leader of the country, that is true, but he is not all powerful, and I think it is best if it stays that way.