Filing taxes is an annual endeavor for almost anybody for a job. For those that get federal taxes deducted from their pay, there’s a possibility of a refund if you the taxes deducted are higher than the amount owed.
Frisco ISD parent Samir Bongale used their experience to help their student with their tax forms.
“W2 is your earning statement for the entire year,” Bongale said. “As part of the onboarding employee process you get a bunch of forms and one of the forms you get is the W2. I didn’t really help my child fill out my form, I did it for her.”
Junior Cindy Trinh is just one of many students on campus that received a w-2 from their job.
“I work at T-Swirl, a Japanese Crepe shop and I did get a W-2 form from my manager,” Trinh said. “I am not required file it by federal law, and I’ve been procrastinating, but I did file it during Spring Break.”
Students who have not filled this form out before may have their parents help them fill it out like junior Claire Graham.
“This was my first job I was eligible for a tax return,” Graham said. “I have payed a lot of raxes this year and I got some money back. It was very daunting for me, filling out the tax returns, but I asked my mom for help filling it out.”