Embrace the chaos

Kayla Griffin, Guest Contributor

When thoughts turn to Black Friday, images of a massive sale with a massive crowd often come to mind. However, it can be worth the madness to get out of your cozy home and score something for 50 percent off.

Last year was my first year going Black Friday shopping, but I decided to go after the crowd. I thought that there would be nothing left, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much was still available.

A soft, big throw blanket for over 60 percent off at Macy’s, yes please. A Tommy Hilfiger pullover sweater that was 50 percent off, mine. Beats Power wireless headphones for 60 percent off: absolutely.

With this being said, it’s crucial to look at deals in the papers or online if you want a deal on something specific, and expensive. Most stores who have Black Friday sales limit those things on sale to what was announced on line or in the newspaper before Black Friday.

If you really aren’t looking for anything specific, and just want something on sale, the best bet is to go hours after the rush. The lines are shorter, it’s less hectic, and things are still way cheaper than it was before. Just don’t expect your favorite high price items to still be in stock.

Places where “Doorbuster Deals” are going on are also a good opportunity to get the deals you want, but it still comes along with the crazy frugal people. If you do decide to go during the rush, be careful, but most importantly, know EXACTLY what you are looking for.

Perhaps one of the best things about Black Friday deals, not paying full price for someone else’s gift for the holidays.

These tips may not be universal, but hopefully they will make your shopping experience faster, convenient and significantly cheaper.