Say it Louder: school and sleep schedules

Opinion editor Emma Crampton shares her thoughts on various topics in her weekly column.

Opinion editor Emma Crampton shares her thoughts on various topics in her weekly column.

Starting a new school year, the transition from the free reign of summer’s schedule to the structured one that school forces students to have can be tough; especially when it comes to waking up early. During summer, a lot of people are used to staying up late and sleeping until the afternoon. When it comes to going to school, students obviously can’t sleep in too late and still make it to school on time. So how do you start going to bed earlier to adjust to the school’s time schedule?

There are a variety of reasons as to why you could be struggling with maintaining a good balance of sleep. For instance, you could be experiencing adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is basically where your adrenal glands act up which cause your sleeping habits to act up as well. There are ways to suppress this with medication, however, taking a different approach, there are also natural and free ways you can amp up your normality when it comes to sleeping on time.

One of these ways are avoiding technology about an hour before you want to sleep; and there are many reasons as to why. First of all, your devices suppress melatonin, making it harder to stay and fall asleep. Additionally, they keep your brain active by keeping you engaged in what you’re browsing and searching for.  

Another way, while easier said than done, is maintaining your stress level. This is because most people spend a lot of their day stressing and worrying about day-to-day things, so it makes it harder to unwind at night. A lot of people may find trouble in this area; especially with the new school year. Everybody has different ways of relieving stress, but there are things that you can experience with that are known to relax the mind. Meditation, for example is seen by many researchers as one of the most effective forms of stress reduction. There are even sleep meditations that you can practice that calm the part of your brain that controls your sleep cycle.

In general, the majority of people have trouble getting back into a good sleep schedule in the beginning of the new school year. However, if it comes an ongoing issue there are ways to suppress it.