Redhawks celebrate Women’s History Month

Michelle Monohan

Michelle Monohan, WTV Staff Reporter

National Women’s History Month started as a local celebration in Santa Rosa, California, but later became a national month-long celebration that helps empower females of all ages across America.

“Women’s History Month is really important because it gives a chance for women all around the world to be able to celebrate women and see other people’s accomplishments,” sophomore Anila Narula said.

“I think Women’s History Month helps girls and women everywhere feel empowered,” freshman Sophie Paulk said. “And I also think it’s helpful for people who aren’t women to just be educated on everything that women have done for the world today.” [

With the education and promotion of women’s history month, many young females have found role models or confidence within.

“I am now more confident in the person I am,” Narula said. “I can speak up, I feel like I have a voice and I can speak up about a lot of different issues which is another reason why women’s history month is really important.”

“Even just actresses and people of pop culture I guess that you wouldn’t really think have done much for the world and for woman really have helped me, personally, just in my confidence and having a voice,” Paulk said.