Name: Rupal Shirpurkar
Grade: 11
Fine Art: electric guitar
Years of Experience: 3
Wingspan: How did you learn to play electric guitar? Did you take lessons or are you self taught?
Shirpurkar: “I learned to play the electric guitar by myself. I’m self taught, although I did watch YouTube to help me fix my technique but overall I’m self taught.”
Wingspan: What was the first song you learned to play?
Shirpurkar: “The first song I learned to play on the guitar was probably ‘Do I Wanna Know’ by Arctic Monkeys.”
Wingspan: Who are your biggest musical influences?
Shirpurkar: “I don’t really have musical influences, we kind of just had an extra guitar at home and I figured to pick it up.”
Wingspan: What inspired you to start playing?
Shirpurkar: “I listened to quite a bit of music that had little bits of guitar in it, like guitar riffs and I really wanted to learn them, so I tried my best to do so.”
Wingspan: How did you choose what type and model of guitar to buy?
Shirpurkar: “We just had one at home and I’ve been playing the same one over the years.”