Opinion: Global warming and my solutions

Guest Contributor Fernando Garcia believes global warming is not a hoax, and can be solved by making some simple changes.

Emma Crampton

Guest Contributor Fernando Garcia believes global warming is not a hoax, and can be solved by making some simple changes.

Fernando Garcia, Guest Contributor

Although some might speculate global warming is an “expensive hoax” as exclaimed by the infamous Donald J. Trump, reports scientifically counter this ridiculous idea in proving that the Earth’s temperatures have unequivocally risen over the past decades. It has also been declared that the year 2016 has been our warmest in history.

NASA.gov provides viable evidence that the Earth’s carbon dioxide levels are soaring at a consistent and threatening rate, and without the proper execution of a cleaner way of living, the planet could heat up to dangerous levels. Just from the year 2006, carbon levels have increased by 25.5 parts per million.

This is a substantially drastic change in value. Not only does carbon trap heat naturally radiated by the sun in our atmosphere, but it is considered the primary reason for “forcing climate change.” This is a real epidemic that is destroying our planet’s overall health and ability to maintain normal and healthy carbon levels within the atmosphere. The way in which we can alleviate the otherwise daunting effects of the Earth’s demise is by adopting efficient and eco-friendly methods of living.

Deforestation for example, is the clearing, or slashing and burning, of our Earth’s forests, leaving the land degraded and drained of its once lush substance. Scientists have proved these colossal forests are a necessity to the Earth’s regulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. For example, the Amazon rainforest plays a crucial role in the removal of vast amounts of pollutants in the air. This in turn absorbs carbon and releases oxygen in the atmosphere, which we all know is a beneficial relationship between mammals and trees. This is why the Amazon is coined the name “the lungs of the Earth.” With the destruction of this enormous biome comes the increasingly difficult challenge of lessening climate change. I believe the governments that have control of these rainforests in their countries should implement laws to prohibit the profuse farming, illegal logging, and burning that directly contributes to deforestation which then in turn reciprocates itself into the warming of our only planet we call home. There are multiple ways in which an ordinary person can help this cause. We can plant more trees, go paperless, recycle, eat as a vegetarian, and even purchase FSC certified wood products.  Why shouldn’t the world leaders place climate change on their priorities list?

However, deforestation isn’t the only hazard facing our civilization, as many other unfortunate factors play a role in this as well such as the use of fossil fuel burning vehicles. Now we all know that a vehicle such as a fancy Mercedes or Bugatti are pleasing to the materialistic sides of most of us, but imagine all of these vehicles being solely powered by clean, zero emitting electric energy. This is known as an electric vehicle which utilizes a battery pack to power the car’s motor then turning the wheels and allowing the vehicle to operate as usual. Only without that nasty carbon footprint. Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular as opposed to when the early stages of them started to roll out, this is because of their now improved EV range and aesthetically pleasing designs. Environmentally concerned companies such as Tesla have made this a reality boasting the ambitious goal of taking over the motor industry, ultimately helping provide a healthier Earth. Aside from purchasing this car, you yourself can also take initiative by walking short distances, carpooling, recycling, and maybe even donating some money to a foundation or fund such as the WWF.

Trump and others that do not believe the science should analyze the concrete statistical facts and push for everyday people to ditch their old gas guzzling cars for a cleaner, more affordable, and more efficient car. Not only will these individuals not have to waste money on harmful gas that pollutes the air and causes wars, but they instead will invest in a product that will safeguard our planet into a longer, healthier, and cleaner future. After all, this planet is all we have to live on, so why not treat it well while we still have it?