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The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


Kirk Niekamp

Kirk Niekamp, Social Media Manager

Kirk Niekamp is a sophomore in his first year in Wingspan. He is always on some sort of social media looking for new stories and is ready to take on anything that comes his way. After high school, he hopes to go to Texas A&M to study Broadcast Journalism or Biotechnology. Kirk is currently on the Cross Country team, can run up to nine miles at a time, is a fifth-placing runner on the men’s team (yes, he is amazing and is handing out autographs later), and is a proud enthusiast of messy hair and sweatpants. Along with being amazing at running, Kirk in on five academic teams including Public Relations, Radio Broadcasting, Prepared Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, and UIL Journalism for Editorial Writing. Always tired, he lives off of positive energy and anything carb-loaded. He has made the Snuggie look fashionable since 2009 and is super excited to be a part of Wingspan.

All content by Kirk Niekamp