Rhea of Sunshine: social media


Morgan Kong

In this weekly column, Wingspan staff reporter Rhea Advani provides her take on a variety of topics.

Rhea Advani, Staff Reporter

A topic I absolutely hate writing about is the pros and cons of social media and the effects it has on teenagers. The reason for this is because since elementary school, English teachers find this topic to be perfect to base at least 1 module on. 

However, since the last time I was forced to produce an essay about social media, my opinion on it has greatly been altered. About five months ago, I decided to delete Snapchat. I wanted to delta all of my social media, however, being a business owner in high school, I get most of my clientele from Instagram. And I knew right off the bat that it would be too much if I deleted Tik Tok. So I made a promise to myself that on those apps I would limit the amount of time I spend on them.

But for Snapchat, it was completely a personal decision to delete it. I know people who are on the same page as me and agree they’re simply better off without it, but I’m also friends with people who don’t see themselves living without it. So it just depends who you are and how much you depend on social media. 

Though I think that people shouldn’t rely on social media as much as they do, I don’t judge people for it. Many teachers would agree that it’s a waste of time and can distract you with school work and other things. I just think that as long as you have a balance of everything, you’ll be just fine. And sometimes deleting an app that you think you can’t live without, may seem crazy at first, but before you know it, five months have passed by and you’re happier than you have ever been before.