A trade fair highlighting alternative career paths was held in the library on Friday, allowing students to explore various opportunities outside of the traditional four-year college route.
The event featured booths from various industries, including cosmetology, welding, collision technology, and volunteer organizations. Representatives from local organizations, including Jennifer Kashner, a representative from Frisco Parks and Recreation, provided insights into different career options and answered students’ questions.
“I would say it’s really important because it exposes students to what the possibilities are out there in our community,” Kashner said. “It gives an idea of just career opportunities, something that maybe sparks our interest to kind of lead that path and really just to expose what’s out there.”
According to sophomore Shaista Sayed, the fair aimed to help students consider different career paths and explore opportunities suited to their interests.
“Because I feel like students are already like really busy and stuff,” Sayed said. “So we would have like already like a lot of stuff to do. So it’s more easier to look for like volunteering job opportunities and like different organizations with your interests when they’re like all, like they’re at your school instead of having to go out and research them.”
Juniors Dasha Atal and Amrusha Gujjula speak with Collin County Health Science and Emergency Services representative Emily Rincon.
Wiggle Butt Academy representative Alexis Middleton hosts a brief trivia session for interested students, eliciting cheers and laughs from participants.
Salon Boutique Academy representative Avery Strange aids freshman Kaitlyn Webb and senior Marissa Manning as they fill out contact information cards.
Junior Ketki Mahurkar reads a pamphlet from Play Frisco, exploring the various opportunities the organization has to offer.
Collin College Nursing representative Janet Singh demonstrates how to perform CPR on an infant, specifying the use of the thumbs only.
Texas A&M Engineering representative Maleny Gomez points out specific opportunities to students using a brochure listing the various programs at A&M.
Collin County Dental Hygiene decorates their table with a model of the human teeth and an oversized toothbrush with extra toothbrushes and toothpaste packets to hand out to students.
Collin College Nursing representatives Mary Rembert, Janet Singh, and Rincy Mohanan bring stethoscopes, CPR mannequins, and a model of the human body to show students interested in nursing and the medical field.
Collin College Nursing representative Mary Rembert demonstrates the use of an Ambu bag, used to pump air into the lungs of an individual.
Wiggle Butt Academy representative Alexis Middleton poses at her stand, armed with informative books, brochures, and special prizes for trivia.
Juniors Dasha Atal and Amrusha Gujjula speak with Collin County Health Science and Emergency Services representative Emily Rincon.
Wiggle Butt Academy representative Alexis Middleton hosts a brief trivia session for interested students, eliciting cheers and laughs from participants.