Students in Jayci Morton’s art class are starting the new semester off with a splash of color as they transition into their next unit which focuses on the importance of color and allows students to properly understand the color wheel and color schemes through various projects involving painting.
“Color is kind of the foundation for everything we’ll do from here on out, all of our painting stuff throughout the year and this unit,” Morton said. “This unit is important because color is one of the main seven elements and principles and we’ll learn this by going through different projects and color schemes and mixing different colors of paint to get the scheme that we need to get.”
The opportunity to bring about more painting is something freshman Reina Cai is looking forward to.
“It’s pretty interesting so far,” Cai said. “It’s basically just copying down the color wheel and then, probably, like learning more color theory and using color palettes and getting to paint stuff.”
However, for freshman Akshaya Panguluru, it’s a chance to build upon and apply methods taught in the previous semester.
“It’s fun and it’s really interesting, like how I get to test out all of those colors,” Panguluru said. “Mixing the colors and then getting the exact color interests me. Right now, we’re doing color wheels, so all of the drawing practice that we did in semester one did help now.”