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The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


Jordan Battey

Jordan Battey, Social Media Manager/Staff Reporter

Jordan Battey is a Senior entering her fourth year of contributing to Wingspan. She is beyond excited to begin this final year of expanding her own knowldge and sharing challenges with the Wingspan family. Outsode of co-hosting her podcast Dumb and Dumber, Jordan typically spends her time listening to Taylor Swift, exploring her spirtuality, and watching Ru-Paul’s Drag Race. She loves her amazing friends, supportive family, and eating Stacy’s Pita Chips.

Contact Jordan:

All content by Jordan Battey
AP students take AP exams in May, however, the deadline to pay for fall courses is now. Students must pay through Online School Fees by Nov. 1.

AP testing begins on Monday

Jordan Battey, Staff Reporter
April 28, 2023
Collin College classes end Thursday, meaning students who take Dual Credit classes are no longer in session for the remainder of the academic semester. Students also have a chance to learn more about Dual Credit during advisory on Thursday.

Collin College drop deadline is Monday

Jordan Battey, Social Media Manager
January 30, 2023
With college applications on the horizon, Frisco ISD is hosting their second Find Your Future Night event. It will take place on Tuesday at Memorial High School.

College representatives set up on campus

Jordan Battey, Social Media Manager
August 30, 2022
For students in AP classes and interested in taking the AP exams, the AP exams fee window is open and closes on Nov. 1. This is also the deadline to request a refund for students who choose not to take the exams.

AP exam fee window opens

Jordan Battey, Managing Editor
September 30, 2021
The Redhawk band department returns back to pre-pandemic procedure as the mask mandate and social distancing guidelines have been lifted. “The biggest challenges we have been facing the past four weeks already during our summer band camp has been reestablishing and building the culture and climate of the band program,” assistant band director Tyler Elvidge said. “The underclassmen have never gotten to experience a true high school band season so we are relying on our upperclassmen and leadership team to set the standard.”

Band falls back to pre-COVID routine

Jordan Battey, Managing Editor
August 12, 2021
In an interview with CNN on Dec. 3., president Biden mentioned that he is “going to keep [his] commitment that the administration, both in the White House and outside in the Cabinet, is going to look like the country.” 

Biden’s Cabinet diversity

Jordan Battey, Staff Reporter
February 10, 2021
Freshman Joy Kim was recognized for her exemplary achievement in visual arts by earning a Gold Seal in VASE’s annual competition.

Art UIL moves online through VASE

Jordan Battey, Staff Reporter
January 22, 2021
Freshmen have been reading  Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Despite what they're reading, all of this is to prepare for the English STAAR Tuesday.

PAP English II introduces new unit

Jordan Battey, Staff Reporter
January 11, 2021
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