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The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


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Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter

Haille Hughes is a sophomore in her second year on wingspan. She enjoys art, editing, gaming, and likes to stream on twitch with friends on the weekends. She loves to be creative and have fun

All content by Haille Hughes
As the school year slows to a stop for summer, COVID slowly is too. The increased number of vaccinations and the rapid decline in cases means that this summer will certainly be better than the last, and gives way to a hopefully fairly normal 2021-2022 school year.

COVID-19 and summer

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
May 17, 2021
Once one is fully vaccinated, they are way safer when participating in certain events and activities compared to those who have not been vaccinated. This week, staff reporter Haillie Hughes discusses what fully vaccinated people can do.

Fully Vaccinated

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
May 4, 2021
Frisco ISD is working with  Nomi Health to provide priority access to COVID-19 testing to students and staff.

India’s battle with COVID-19

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
April 26, 2021
All Texans, 16 and older, are now eligible to receive their vaccination for COVID-19,

Vaccine skepticism

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
April 19, 2021
The collective efforts going into putting an end to COVID and the pandemic are going to pay off, and are already starting to. In this week's "Viral Thoughts" staff reporter Haille Hughes discusses the decrease in Texas's COVID cases.

Decrease in Texas COVID-19 cases

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
April 12, 2021
If and when COVID-19 is no longer a thing, Wingspan's Haille Hughes hopes that masks such as that being worn by freshman Ashton Hatch become part of a new normal.

Life after COVID

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
March 29, 2021
With the start of the last nine weeks, summer and the end of the school year is quickly approaching. In this week's Viral Thoughts, Haille Hughes stress the importance of keeping up social distancing to achieve a COVID free summer.

Hoping for a COVID free summer

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
March 22, 2021
Abbott removing the mask mandate poses a huge risk to Texas public health and may cause cases to rise again. While opening Texas allows business to open to 100% capacity, was it really necessary to remove the mask mandate?

The lifted mask mandate

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
March 15, 2021
Borris Johnson, the English Prime Minister believes that the UK can almost fully reopen by June 21st. He set forth a four step plan that begins on March 8th with opening schools and allowing out-door after school sports, as well as two people can sit outdoors together, and care home residents can have one regular visitor.

U.K.’s plans to reopen

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
March 1, 2021
The popular sandbox style game known as Minecraft, has various surges in popularity. This is brought about by various things, this most recent surge very likely being an effect of quarantine and the coronavirus.

Minecraft and COVID-19

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
February 22, 2021
The Superbowl took place this past weekend, posing questions as to the safety of having 25,000 fans in-person. Staff reporter Hailie Hughes discusses the potential affects this event could have on the spread of COVID-19.

COVID-19 and the Superbowl

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
February 8, 2021
In an attempt to battle COVID-19 and the various new strands of it, the U.S. has recently issued an extended entry ban. In this week's Viral Thoughts, staff reporte Haille Hughes explains why.

U.S. extends entry ban

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
February 1, 2021
There are actually hundreds of types of coronaviruses; all of which are categorized into different groups. In this week's "viral thoughts" staff reporter Hailie Hughes discusses the various mutants found of the COVID-19 virus.

COVID-19 variants

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
January 25, 2021
COVID-19 numbers rise after break

COVID-19 numbers rise after break

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
January 11, 2021
In this week's Viral Thoughts, staff reporter Haille Hughes explores the impact of COVID-19 on fast fashion.

COVID-19 impact on fast fashion

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
December 14, 2020
The CDC has implemented new guidelines for self-isolation after a positive COVID019 test. In her weekly blog, VIral Thoughts, staff reporter Haille Hughes shares her thoughts.

New CDC guidlines

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
December 7, 2020
Christmas during COVID-19

Christmas during COVID-19

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
November 30, 2020
Local elections take place on Saturday. Up for election include Board of Trustee Place 4 and 5, a City Council seat, and mayor.

How COVID-19 affects the election

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
October 26, 2020
The conversation around banning TikTok started when Gov. Greg Abbott banned Texas government entities from using TikTok. Now, the U.S. House of Representatives is seeking to completely ban TikTok.

COVID-19’s effect on social media

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
October 19, 2020
A popular beverage among many, coffee isn't new to the morning routine. However, scientists have found that there are downsides to the daily cup of joe.

Cafes during COVID-19: The Nest Cafe

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
September 21, 2020

Staying at home this much has helped lead this generation to learn more about ourselves, and our society as a whole. We were able to take this time and realize that what’s “normal” shouldn't be normal.

How COVID-19 impacts our generations

Haille Hughes, Staff Reporter
September 1, 2020
Comic: mental breakdown

Comic: mental breakdown

Haille Hughes, Guest Contributor
February 28, 2020
Halsey's new album, Manic, released on Jan. 17, 2020 featuring many empowering songs. Focusing on topics such as self-love and positivity, Halsey catered towards his younger listeners.

Evoking manic with Halsey’s new album

Haille Hughes, Guest Contributor
January 24, 2020
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