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The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


The student news site of Liberty High School in Frisco, Texas


Lucas Barr

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief

Lucas is a senior in his fourth year of Wingspan. As vice-president of Youth and Government on campus and at the Plano YMCA, he helps teach members bill-writing and debate. Lucas loves writing and has participated in UIL Journalism throughout high school. He plays both the violin and piano, and serves as a senior representative in orchestra, planning socials to make this final year memorable. Lucas loves politics, world events, and law, and is interning at GoransionBain Ausley this school year. Outside of school, Lucas can be found eating the best chicken around at Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers with friends.

Contact Lucas:

All content by Lucas Barr
Lucas Barr

Lucas Barr

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
May 29, 2020
With the campus closing for at least one week due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Redhawks begin eLearning on March 17.

Frisco ISD launches eLearning

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
March 17, 2020
Talking with her students, AP Literature and Humanities teacher Beth Evans smiles during her celebration in advisory. Gone for the remainder of the school year, Evans will be undergoing treatment for a form of blood cancer.

“Ready for the fight”

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
March 6, 2020
GT American Studies students pose with 
their teachers Swapna Garnder and Emily Griffin, along with guests, after completing their Saving the System presentations. The project came to an end on Monday after month's of work.

American studies students save the system

Lucas Barr, Editor-In-Chief
December 17, 2019
The swim team dove into their invitational against Panther Creek on Thursday, and some swimmers qualified for the TISCA invitational. “I’m so proud of myself and how far I’ve come,” senior Maria Oushalkas said.

TISCA meet puts swim team to the test

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-Chief
December 13, 2019
Orchestra seniors smile during their first social of the school year at Nerdvana Frisco on Nov. 9. With 21 seniors this year, the socials are a tradition of the program.

Orchestra seniors skate to second social

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
December 6, 2019
Pictured: the orchestra officer council gathers for a meal. Friday, orchestra students will be gathering for their once a semester breakfast social.

Officers orchestrate early Thanksgiving

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
November 15, 2019
Daylight saving time will end this Sunday, Nov. 3. Time will fall back one hour at 2:00 a.m., becoming 1:00 a.m.

End of daylight saving turns back time

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
November 1, 2019
Souther Images Photography School returns to campus with yearbook picture retakes being on Monday in the auditorium. All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible to have their picture retaken.

Yearbook pictures return for retakes

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
September 20, 2019
Students can now pick up their IDs in the front office before school, after school, during advisory, or at lunch.

ID badges set to make renovated return

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
September 12, 2019
The band won't be seen in the parking lot practicing for the first three weeks of school, as it and other fine arts programs like choir and the Red Rhythm drill team are completely online for that time period.

Jazz band begins audition process early

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
September 10, 2019
School board meeting set for Monday

School board meeting set for Monday

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-cheif
September 9, 2019
Sophomore Michelle Hong takes notes in AP Physics. This year students will be adapting to a new system of grades, with daily grades no longer being used.

District gives new value to grades

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
August 19, 2019
Applications are due Friday for students wanting to apply for the Spanish Honor Society. To be eligible, students must have completed their first semester of Spanish 3, be in the 10th grade or higher, and have maintained A averages in Spanish.

New GPA changes implemented

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
August 15, 2019
On Saturday the Texas Legislature passed HB 3 after legislators focused on school finance reform the entire session which ended Monday. Frisco is set to receive millions of dollars more in state funding, some of which is dedicated to teacher raises.

Frisco feels the impact of HB 3

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
May 29, 2019
One of many yearly traditions, the homecoming pep rally is Thursday during advisory.

District plans cheerleading class

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
April 16, 2019
Orchestra students are preparing for their final concert of the year Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. The concert will be the final opportunity for students to show off their skills this school year.

Orchestra returns from spring trip

Lucas Barr, Editor-in-chief
April 9, 2019
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